The PLAN test has been CHANGED to November 15!



Balfour will be here on Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 10:45 to meet with seniors in the Little Theatre



Information of Governor's school for 10th & 11th grades is in the Guidance Office.



Telephone Book Recycling – Sprint Yellow Pages will again sponsor a drive to recycle phone books.  The drive will run through the month of October.  Sprint will be giving away cash awards for the three schools reporting the highest percentage of participation.  Awards are:  First Place-$750, Second Place-$500, and Third Place-$200.  Please bring in old phone books for recycling.  This is a way we can all help the environment.  Ecology class will collect the books at the end of the month.  Thanks-Ecology Classes. 



The Booster Club will be here on Friday’s of home games selling DBHS shirts.




2006 yearbooks will be sold Oct. 24th through Nov. 4th during lunch periods. Cost will be $50. You may pay in full, or a $30 deposit. A limited number of books will be made so don’t miss out.

From the guidance office:


Apply online at www.coca-colascholars.org to become a Coca-Cola Scholar. $1.8 million is awarded annually to 250 students. Deadline is October 31, 2005.


The Tennessee Concrete Association is sponsoring their 2005-06 Concrete Essay Contest. The contest is open to all high school students ages 16-18. Cash prizes and scholarships will be awarded. See your school counselor for more details.  


Need help preparing for the ACT?  Go to www.actstudent.org/testprep/index.html for helpful test preparation.


Tusculum College Fall Focus Days are Oct. 15th and Nov. 5th.

Tusculum College Scholarship Competitions are Jan. 21st and Feb. 4th, 2006.  Students must be admitted to Tusculum College and meet 3.3 GPA and 23 on ACT or 1050 on SAT to be eligible for competition.