Key Club
The Key Club is a public service organization that helps the elderly, the unfortunate, and the needy. During the school year, members of the Key Club participate in many service projects. They visit Anderson Health Care to boost patient morale and play bingo with the elderly at Colonial Hills Nursing Home. The Ronald McDonald House is also a beneficiary of the Daniel Boone Key Club. Each year, the Key Club also promotes a Haven of Mercy food drive, in which students are encouraged to bring canned and/or dried foods for the needy, and a Toys for Tots, in which students are asked to bring toys for children who could not otherwise afford them.
Dues are $10.00 per person, annually. However, if a member is willing to work in the Kiwanis Club concession stand at the Appalachian Fair, he/she is paid $10.00 per night. The first $10.00 is used for dues, and all other money that is made goes into the club treasury.
Meetings are held in room 609. To join the club, speak with the sponsor or an officer of the club.
The sponsor of the Key Club is Mr. Michael Taylor.